The Kite Runner

The Kite Runner
from the author : Khaled Hosseini
"For you , a thousand times over..."
[Hassan to Amir , Farid to Amir , ...and later , Amir to Sohrab ]

The Kite Runner is one of the books I couldn't help but lay my finger on it ...
It's truly "extraordinary" , "Moving and unexpected" ,"Vivid and engaging "and "Riveting ... Unforgettable !" . A tale about two boys who lived in the midst of chaos in Afghanistan ,you might as well expect shooting and massacre in the book ,but no , I'll tell you : it's not the main issue here ,although a small part of it does mention about the Taliban massacre .

Amir is a son of a wealthy and renowned 'baba' . Father .Hassan is a Hazara boy , Ali's son , a servant whose wife eloped with a troupe of traveling performers .There was an intricate tangle of strings , a fierce cruelty and fierce yet redeeming love which held them together ,even until Afganishtan's revolution when a string of chaotic confusion tore the two of them apart .

Amir moves to America , and , as you might have guesses , lead a happy life as a married author , although childless .It was when a letter saying that Rahim Khan is waiting for him in Peshawar ,Pakistan , which awakened him .It was the fact that his suspicion about Rahim Khan and Hassan had proven to be true . The fact that he knew had scarred his heart so deeply .
What would he do when he finally knew who Hassan is ...?
Who HE,himself is ?

A tale of Innocence Denial Shame Redemption Forgiveness Anger Loyalty ,
Reading this book is like overhearing secret conversations -and thoughts , thoughts which you would not like to hear ...- and stealing stealthy glances at events -events which you would not like to happen - .
Everything in this book is an honest deceit , a misleading truth , an understandable confusion We watch both of the two very different yet very alike -almost like brothers- boys seek redemptions, their own atonement .

There is always a wise omniscient protagonist in the book .Rahim Khan is the one in The Kite Runner .He watched ,he knew but stayed quiet .It was Rahim Khan's words which finally awakened Amir
"There is a way to be good again ..."
There is a way indeed .