
from the author : Elie Wiesel"For God's sake , where is God ?"
And from within me , I heard a voice answer :
"Where He is ? This is where - hanging here from this gallows."

Eliezer Wiesel [In English : Elie Wiesel ] is a University professor at Boston University , apolitical activist , Nobel Laureate , Andrew.W.Mellon Professor of the Humanities ,and a Jewish survivor of the Holocaust .Years after his survival , Eliezer , who described himself as being "weak,rather shy" boy ,had wondered about the purpose behind his survival . He had authored over 40 books , the best known of which is Night which had been edited ,and translated into English by his wife, Marion Wiesel .
He was 15 years old when his family , neighbors , friends , and most of the Jewish society in Germany were deported to the Ghettos ,to the concentration camps and mostly ,eventually , to death itself.

A memoir written by a Holocaust survivor ,this masterpiece allows us to take a vivid glimpse at the prisoners' life inside the concentration camps during the Holocaust itself .
Night tells the story of a young Jewish boy who had ventured into the Kingdom of Night and witnessed the terror of the massacre of the Jewish population by Hitler while the whole world watched in silence .
As the boy went through the daily murders ,under the threat of being tossed into the oven/crematoriums by 'selection' looming dangerously overhead ,and struggled lifelessly to survive , his father the only beacon of life which kept him alive ,we see the horridity of each moments spent in the camps .
Each moment didn't count for nothing , for in each and every moment spent in Auschwitz , Birkenau , Bunchenwald , Jew prisoners were tossed into the crematorium and burned into ashes .Each moment saw the morale erode , humanity dissolve ,blood seeped into the earth ,tears dried and life lost its purpose . Human beings were forced to live with animalistic instincts in the concentration camps .A Eliezer and his father fought in keeping each other alive , it is painful to watch the relationship so dear and close between father and son crumple down when father turned weak and old , and too sickly that he became a burden to the son . Night allows us to witness the lost of innocence ,faith , humanity and sense .Humans fought for a crust of bread like dogs .Families torn apart .Son abandoned father .Manslaughter.
With the boy , we explore the time when the desire to live is no longer present ,when the only thing that mattered is a crust of bread and a bowl of soup ,and when the body lost the connection with the mind .
Night shows that holocaust2 is a time when death is everywhere but far .

Night will drive you questioning your own humanity -and the world's . What would you do under such circumastances ? Why did the world keep silent for such a long time ,when their brothers and sisters are being massacred in silence? Elie Wiesel also ,once again ,brought the truth to the surface , that even until now , such massacre still occured and where were we , sitting comfortably o a couch ? Nowadays see the genocide in Darfur , Starvation in Ethiopia , crisis and massacres in many parts of the world while most of us keep silent and ignorant .There are many reasons why history matters .For one , history taught us of our past mistake ,that there is absolutely no need in repeating the same mistake .That there is a need for us to stand up and speak out .That there is something an indivudual can do . See Raoul Wallenberg , Marthin Luther kIng Jr. , Albert Schweitzer and Nelson Mandela , who had changed the world . All of them are mere men - our only differences lay on determination , belief and courage .

Night is absolutely worth reading , as it explores an appalling subject , a spectral terror which still haunts our world , unnoticed by many , today , in the 21st century !
I can't agree more with The New York Times in this subject .

"A slim volume of terrifying power" The New York Times

"From the depths of the mirror , a corpse was contemplating me . The look in his eyes as he gazed at me has never left me ."