The Lovely Bones

The Lovely Bones
from the author : Alice Sebold

I just can't say no to the lovely bones .
The delicately woven events , heart-wrenching tragedies - tragedies which many of us think of lightly yet turns out to be disastrous .

We listen to Susie, dead , watching from her personal heaven - where all her dreams comes true but her longings for earth and life.
We watch Lyndsey cope with the lost of the her mutilated sister -whose other body parts except for her elbow, were never found .
We feel Jack and Abigail Salmon's frustration , anger and denial in response to their daughter death .

Every night , hoping that one day , surely , Susie would return , the porch light would always stay on throughout the darkest hours of night .
Every day , black denial upon white truth , parents who rarely speak to each other ,a teenage sister; too depressed to face more , a little brother; too young to understand.

What would happen to us next ? Who knows ?
What would we do when we face such tragedy ? Who cares ?
Many of us never bother to think over it -it'll bring bad luck / it's negative - . But is it ?
Don't we need to think over it ? So we can treasure what we have - what we do- what we love with more affection ,conscience and attention ..Tell me , when is the last time you hugged your siblings and say "I love you " to them ? When is the last time you indulge yourself in long loving conversation with your parents ? We need to treasure it .We need to wake up .