Breaking Dawn

You could run from someone you feared, you could try to fight someone you hated. All my reactions were geared toward those kinds of killers—the monsters, the enemies.
When you loved the one who was killing you, it left you no options. How could you run, how could you fight, when doing so would hurt that beloved one? If your life was all you had to give your beloved, how could you not give it?
If it was someone you truly loved?

- Breaking Dawn -
by : Stephenie Meyer

Don't know what is Breaking Dawn ?!!!
Run straight to the nearest bookshop to grab one of the Twilight sagas and read it !!!
you just can't miss this one !

The next two paragraphs are written straight after I finished the book , still heavily intoxicated:
Wow ! Now , I don't care the smallest bit of anything anymore .I just wished to regurgitate everything that have been raking inside my brain for the last few hours as my eyes raced through Breaking Dawn's last few pages !!- But..phew....[sigh..] Though I have been rather worried by the movie [ Don't judge the book by its movie !!!], the myth that the saga had been, 'seemingly' deteriorating in quality down to Eclipse , and the beginning of the book ,........................................,Breaking Dawn is an overall success !!!!!!! Yes ! Appaluse to Stephenie ! I finished reading it , eyes teary and weary , but with a huge grin on my face ! Now ....

SPOILER ONLY IN THE BOLD PART Man ! This book , when you're reading it half way , it really irked you to the deepest rung of your heart .The pregnancy part , which was especially graphic [for most people , and slightly distuirbing for the faint hearted ones , like Esme , for example ..hehe...] albeit being a very logical part of the plot .I kind of expected such sufferings when she conceived her baby -which she shouldn't have any idea of in the first place .But ,I'll tell it straight, this book really stole my heart , like the others did .It have a proper opening and ending .I began reading the first pages with a smile and finished it with smiles !

" I want you, and I want you forever. One lifetime is simply not enough for me."-Edward

Ok , back to the review thingy ...

Stephenie's Breaking Dawn had sold 1.4 million copy in a day , and ,having read it :
- I know that there's more to it than the fact that there are lots of Twilight series' fans who had been dying to purchase this book since the beginning of this blissful year !

You won't be disappointed if you love the previous book . You will be thrilled , your heart battered with so much excitement that you won;t mind reading it again though you've just finished it ! [ I have one friend who is reading it for the fourth time straight-now, that might be a hyperbolic example , quite surprising even for me ]

"Dancing isn't so bad—with you. But I was thinking more of this,"—and I pressed myself to him even tighter—"of never having to let you go."-Bella

But Breaking Dawn ? I absolutely , indefinitely , unconditionally loves it !

Breaking Dawn , the fourth sequel to the Twilight series , told us of Bella's[the main character who fell in love with a vampire] wedding and honeymoon with Edward , followed by lots of twists [which you may or may not like, but INTERESTING !] , ironies [which makes up most of teh funny parts
, ALERT : danger of paroxysms of giggles] , and things [I don't want to add spoilers...hehe...] which makes the plot almost irresistible [if not because I've read too many good books but no time to put it up here ...] ! .

Based loosely on The Empire and A Midsummer Night's Dream , those who had read these books would have an advantage in understanding more about the processing of the book .For those who doesn't , easy does it !

There's no worry and you can enjoy this book as much as those who've read the two books .

As I had mentioned , the plot would present you with twists , circumstances which one will not expect .In the beginning to the middle of the novel, some of us ,might behave defensively and rebelliously against this change ,but DON't put the book down or you'll regret it and mope over it !

One thing you must do with Breaking Dawn is : keep reading , grasp it , wrestle with it , be fascinated,astonished , awed , amazed with it , and eventually , infatuated .Believe it or not ,climax, denouement and all , you'll be besotted by this book !

Also ,despite the mixed reviews from many fans , I think Stephenie's way of ending the book is acceptable .She's the author anyway , and I think she had the right to make the denouement which she thinks is suitable , and as long as it is logical and it fit into the plot very nicely , I won't mind it .Her denouement had painted a huge smile on my face - yet I sort of understood the disappoinment of some fans who've too much expected the story to be ended "their way" [you can google in to see with your eyes] .

We might have expected differently , and she might not have written it as well as she have written Twilight for some of us , but personally , I think she won my utmost admiration when I read the last few pages ,and I am expecting more and better masterpieces from her now ...

"Now you know," I said lightly, and shrugged. "No one's ever loved anyone as much as I love you."
"You're almost right." He smiled, his eyes still a little wider than usual. "I know of just one exception

Midnight Sun ?
It's confirmed now that I WILL ABSOLUTELY have it in my shelves .

Breaking Dawn .
A must buy ? Definitely !!
Now , quoting a part of the book :

ALice : "Like it ?"
Bella shook her head .
Alice :"Love it ?"
She nodded !!

That's how my feeling is about BD !!

And for those who read A Midsummer Nights' Dream , 'Mischievous' , just like Puck .You can't expect what to expect ...

You'll see some Demetrius , and making references between BD and MND is fun [ I tried to make an essay relating MND to BD with one of my lit friend ... it's hillarious , knowing what Stephenie might be thinking when she wrote this ...]

Lastly , I just want to speak out , that , if not for Stephenie's Twilight , maybe I would not have discovered the wonders words as early as last two year ,when I first learned English . Maybe , like some of my friends , I wouldn't have seen the beauty of words [which is horrendous !!! ] till now .So , thank you , Stephenie ... We're waiting for more from you ^^

"Forever and forever and forever" he murmured .
"That sounds exactly right to me "