Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights
from the author : Emily Bronte

"If all else perished but he remained , I should still continue to be . And if all else remained and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger ; I should not seem a part of it .My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods : time will change it .I'm well aware , as winter changes the trees .My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath , a source of little visible delight , but necessary "-Cathy

Published in 1847 , and Emily Bronte's only novel , Wuthering Heights' originality and achievement managed to capture many of its readers' attention and appreciation .

Mr.Lockwood Dean , a new tenant of the Thruscross Grange , was baffled by the surly , cold attitude of Heathcliff , the landlord of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange who was staying at nearby Wutheirng Heights .Once , after having dinner in his Landlord's house , bad weather forced him to stay overnight in an old room in Wuthering Heights , where through a horrifying nightmare , he encounters the ghost of Catherine Earnshaw , who was pleading to be admitted to the house form the outside .

Intrigued , upon his return to Thrushcross Grange , he asked Nelly Dean , a former maid and childhood company of his landlord , to tell him the story of Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff .

Catherine , a childhood friend and adoptive sister of Heathcliff , was a beauty who accept and utterly return Heathcliff's love .Though however , she considered him too lowly to be married to her , and much preferred Edgar Linton , a more respectable , rich , and a gentlemen , a childhood friend of hers as well, who , she thought , might help Heathcliff to gain his success .The odds were stacked against them , and Cathy's plans to help Heathcliff rise through her marriage with Linton was doomed when Heathcliff ran away from the fact of losing her .

"You loved me_ what right had you to leave me ? ...Nothing that God or Satan could inflict would have parted us ......"Heathcliff

When Heathcliff returned ,this led to the various events which wrought havoc on Cathy(Catherine) and Heathcliff's relationship , entangling and destroying also the life of many people around them , which includes Edgar Linton ;Isabella Linton , his sister ;Hindley Earnshaw , Cathy's vengeful brother ;and unfortunately , their descendants-sons and daughters- as well .

Their selfishness led them to hasty decisions which creates hell upon world for them , as well as their surroundings . This gothic romance brought about the intensity and madness of the love between Cathy and Heathcliff .It explores the danger and tragic ends which fell upon the two lovers .Thrilling , enticing and hypnotising !I myself considered this book one of my favorites . And although it might took quite a time to understand the characters' feelings and the course of actions they took , this work of Emily Bronte will draw your favor ,just as its authenticity and achievements have drawn positive feedbacks from critiques .

"Linton spends his days and nights there , a sleepless guardian and _ a circumstance concealed from all but me_ Heathcliff spends his nights at least , outside , equally a stranger to repose"-Nelly Dean