
"Hell's not so bad if you get to keep an angel with you..."twilight
from the author : Stephenie Meyer

"About three things I was certain. First, Edward Cullen was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him, and I don't know how dominant that part might be, that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him."

First published by Little Brown Company in 2005 , Twilight , the first novel of Stephenie Meyer , had soon became a cultural phenomenon affecting legions of readers all across the world .

A New York Times Editor's Choice
A Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year
An "Best Book of the Decade...So Far
"A Teen People "Hot List" pick
An American Library Association "Top Ten Best Book for Young Adults" and "Top Ten Books for Reluctant Readers” , and translation into 20 languages.
All three books of the twilight series : Twilight , New Moon , and Eclipse , had seized the 1s position of the New York Times bestseller list .So , what are you waiting for ?

"Of all the things about me that could frighten you, you worry about my driving."
-Edward Cullen,
to Bella Swan Twilight

A 17-year-old Isabella Swan ( Bella ) went to the the small town of Forks at the gloomy Olympic Peninsula to live with his father , Charlie .Bella had come from the sunny Phoenix and hence , detested the rainy Forks ,labeling the small town as her 'personal hell on earth '.Her first day at school saw her becoming the object of envy and curiosity , as well as attraction -to her embarrassment -to the boys at her school .However , life in Forks , for Bella , was still as gloomy and dull as ever .

One exception which would change her whole life lay on a mysterious , gorgeous and beautiful Edward Cullen who sat beside her in her Biology class .Edward's first reaction prior to meeting her and his continual attempt to push her away from her had made her think that he despised her .Bella's noticing the unusual behavior , ability and habit of the boy through some occasions in which he saved her life , soon build up her suspicion .Either unfortunately / fortunately (we don;t know..), they discovered the undeniable attraction they had for each other and nothing could convince Bella to part from him anymore .Not his repeated warning to her that he was dangerous . Not even the fact that he and his whole family are vampires. Not even the fact that Bella's blood , which smells most appealing to him than any other's , could triggered him to kill her .As they tried to build their relationship despite the obstacles thrust by his blood lust , another coven of his kind visited Forks , and one of them set a pair of hungry eyes on Bella .

"What am I going to do with you ?Yesterday I kiss you,and you attacke me! Today you pass out on me!"
-Bella and Edward
As can be seen in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet ,love is at its fullest height when thwarted by obstacles , and in Twilight , Meyer provided us a pair of extremely star-crossed lovers .Bella's adoration at Edward was returned , but he was facing a hard time suppressing his blood lust , especially to Bella , whose blood was most appealing to him than to any other vampires ,and tremendous agony provided he knew well that one small lapse in his control could brought her to her death .Meyer had written Twilight in an almost poetic language and the most natural plot. She began with 'the new school at kid' opening , lulling us into thinking that Twilight was just another ordinary romance book for young adult readers .As we flipped over the pages , however , we would soon discover that it was not . Issues faced in Twilight would be familiar and alluring to most of the teenager readers .As a book which combines romance , suspense ,friendship and supernatural altogether ,compelling and alluring characters , vivid and intense , you wouldn't wait to finish the book as son as you can .

My interest in books started when I 'attempted' to read Twilight , my fourth novel (at that time , I was not an avid reader I am now).Twilight showed me what words can do and build .Seductive, thrilling, alluring and intoxicating .Don't like reading? Twilight would be an excellent start .
“How old are you?”
“Seventeen,” he answered promptly.
“And how long have you been seventeen?”
His lips twitched as he stared at the road. “A while,”
-"Forbidden to remember, terrified to forget"
-"It was heaven, right smack in the middle of hell..."
"If I could dream at all, it would be about you. And I'm not ashamed of it."
-Edward Cullen to Bella Swan

Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights
from the author : Emily Bronte

"If all else perished but he remained , I should still continue to be . And if all else remained and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger ; I should not seem a part of it .My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods : time will change it .I'm well aware , as winter changes the trees .My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath , a source of little visible delight , but necessary "-Cathy

Published in 1847 , and Emily Bronte's only novel , Wuthering Heights' originality and achievement managed to capture many of its readers' attention and appreciation .

Mr.Lockwood Dean , a new tenant of the Thruscross Grange , was baffled by the surly , cold attitude of Heathcliff , the landlord of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange who was staying at nearby Wutheirng Heights .Once , after having dinner in his Landlord's house , bad weather forced him to stay overnight in an old room in Wuthering Heights , where through a horrifying nightmare , he encounters the ghost of Catherine Earnshaw , who was pleading to be admitted to the house form the outside .

Intrigued , upon his return to Thrushcross Grange , he asked Nelly Dean , a former maid and childhood company of his landlord , to tell him the story of Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff .

Catherine , a childhood friend and adoptive sister of Heathcliff , was a beauty who accept and utterly return Heathcliff's love .Though however , she considered him too lowly to be married to her , and much preferred Edgar Linton , a more respectable , rich , and a gentlemen , a childhood friend of hers as well, who , she thought , might help Heathcliff to gain his success .The odds were stacked against them , and Cathy's plans to help Heathcliff rise through her marriage with Linton was doomed when Heathcliff ran away from the fact of losing her .

"You loved me_ what right had you to leave me ? ...Nothing that God or Satan could inflict would have parted us ......"Heathcliff

When Heathcliff returned ,this led to the various events which wrought havoc on Cathy(Catherine) and Heathcliff's relationship , entangling and destroying also the life of many people around them , which includes Edgar Linton ;Isabella Linton , his sister ;Hindley Earnshaw , Cathy's vengeful brother ;and unfortunately , their descendants-sons and daughters- as well .

Their selfishness led them to hasty decisions which creates hell upon world for them , as well as their surroundings . This gothic romance brought about the intensity and madness of the love between Cathy and Heathcliff .It explores the danger and tragic ends which fell upon the two lovers .Thrilling , enticing and hypnotising !I myself considered this book one of my favorites . And although it might took quite a time to understand the characters' feelings and the course of actions they took , this work of Emily Bronte will draw your favor ,just as its authenticity and achievements have drawn positive feedbacks from critiques .

"Linton spends his days and nights there , a sleepless guardian and _ a circumstance concealed from all but me_ Heathcliff spends his nights at least , outside , equally a stranger to repose"-Nelly Dean


from the author : Neil Gaiman

Coraline moved into an old house with both of her working parents .Coraline , like many children , found her parents unsatisfactory : she dislikes her father's cooking (her father loves to try out new , strange , yet edible recipes ), and she found both of them , who worked with computer-related job , too busy for her .She found life boring , hence , sought for adventure .She also had three very strange neighbours : two retired talkative actresses and one strange old man who claimed that he was training a mouse circus .

One day , she opened a door in her house ,which opened to a brick wall . Curious ,the second time she opened it , however , she found a passage leading to another world with her other parents , who were very kind to her -at first .When she decided to leave the other world , which looked exactly like her own world , she found her parents missing .They were actually being kidnapped by the other mother .After going through two days , living all by herself ,she went back to the other world again , in determination to release them.

The other mother , some kind of button-eyed long-nailed monster enclosed in a human body , refused to give them up except if Coraline won a game in finding her parents' soul and the souls of three of her former captive .WIth the help of a black cat and her strange real neighbours , Coraline searched for them , facing mortal danger and her own demon fear all by herself .But will she success , unknowing that the monster had no intention at all to let her escape .

Coraline is worth-reading . Exciting for adults who loves to read fairy tales still !(like me ..hehe..).The book is suitable for adults as well , since Coraline herself is very mature for her young age .She acts on logic and she knows what needed to be done , whether it frightens her or not , she goes on .Coraline shows us the courage and logic we should have when facing dangers ,and how relating well with other people may save our life .This masterpiece of Neil Gaiman is thrilling and real exciting .