The Shadow of The WInd

The Shadow of The Wind
from the author : Carlos Ruiz Zafon

" There are worse prisons than words "-Julian Carax / Nuria Monfort

The Shadow of the Wind is a captivating tale , mesmerzing and intoxicating at the same time . Reading this book will remind you of Gabriel Garcia mixed with Charles Dickens and with a tinge of sweet Spanish romance and mystery . This book enchants his readers with a tale about a young boy , by name Daniel , who found a book titled 'The Shadow of The Wind' [yes !] in The Cemetery of Forgotten Book .Struck by the literary beauty of the book , and intrigued as to why the book he was holding onto was probably the last existing copy in this world , Daniel set up on his investigation about Julian Carax , a man of enigma who is the author of that enchanting book . Along the way , we are rewarded with alluring plots which intertwined with each other , forming a huge tangle of lives which cuts or loops over each other when they met . We follow Daniel's breathtaking and suspenseful pursue of Julian Carax while he himself is threatened by a man with no face , Lain Coubert , the devil in Julian;s books , who had lived to burn the remaining of Julian's books , and as Julian's life tale is unweaved , slowly , slowly , we began to draw a line of symmetry between Julian and Daniel's life , and just how riveting this tale is !

" so long as we are being remembered , we remain alive ." Julian Carax

The Shadow of the Wind is too good to miss ! Go grip one and take a look over the first few pages and you'll be flipping over the pages feverishly before you realize that this book has bewitched you . It's just so simple to fall in love with this one , especially with such charming and yet enigmatic characters shrouded in the darkest secrets possible in the Gothic setting of Spain , Barcelone . As for me , personally I found that this book had taught be to remain honest , to stood with courage and marches up against all odds no matter what , and to keep on believing .It makes me believe in the significance of sacrifices , and how sometimes there are things which are best kept hidden - forever ...

"This city is a sorceress , you know , Daniel ? It gets under your skin and steals your soul without you knowing it ..." Fermin Romero del Tores

TSoTW will get you rummaging the content of this book no matter how you despise classics !This book is simply exhilarating !
Some things which I could tell you as you read this novel :
-You'll be dying to know Julian Carax
-You'll abhor yet be besotted by the characters , whoever they are
-you'll found yourself holding your breath or chuckling at some points
and ,
You'll Love It !
Trust Me !
It's too tempting a treat to miss !
ANd ,
Carlos Ruiz Zafon seems to have another one coming !
"The Angel's Game "

Watch out ~ he..he ...

"The stranger turned around and walked off toward the docks , a shape melting into the shadow , cocooned in his hollow laughter ."-Daniel Sempere